General Cargo

From its early history, BMT has always specialised & excelled in Project Cargo handling & benefits from the addition of five Mobile Harbour Cranes to assist with handling some of the high volumes of project cargo arriving to the Umm Qasr Port.

BMT is ready to handle any out-of-gauge cargo regardless of its dimensions. Our team has proven experience working with vessels & operators specialising in shipping Project & Heavy Lift Cargo. We have a complete understanding that every project is unique & through our wider Group of Companies, can offer in-land transport & other services.
Thanks to our detailed knowledge of the industry & reputation therein, BMT is the foremost Terminal in Iraq with strong relationships with all the major Oil & Gas Companies, Ministry of Electricity & other entities engaged in the Energy Sector. BMT enjoys the privilege of being an ‘Approved Sub-Contractor’ for all of these leading names & organisations.

Projects handled exclusively by BMT include Shell – Majoon Iraqi Petroleum Development Project (SIPD), numerous Rumaila Operating Organization (ROO) Projects;
BMT is proud to have handled the Karbalah Refinery project cargo that included the largest , highest and heaviest out-of-gauge cargoes; including 6 LNG Bullet Tanks measuring over sixty meters long & weighing almost eight hundred metric tonnes ever arrived in Port of Umm Qasr.