Here at BMT, we have a number of undercover storage options to store a vast array of cargo from Motor vehicles to bulk products if required.
Some of the cargo that we have stored includes:

  1.  Jumbo bags of various products. (Fertilizer/SLAG/Cement etc.)
  2.  Motor Vehicles from large trucks to high end luxury cars.
  3. Maize.
  4. Break Bulk products that require special storage.
  5. Weather sensitive cargo.

Our portfolio of indoor storage:
4 x Transit Sheds 140M x 33M with 4500M² of usable space. Situated only 30M from the Quayside
4 x Warehouses 170M x 33M with 4760M² of usable space. Situated 200M from the Quayside.

All of the above are of Structural steel beams with aluminium sheeting for the roof structure with 2m blockwork structural steel beams covered with aluminium sheeting and louvers for the wall structure. Access is through a number of securable doors with a width of 3.7M.